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Robert Lane Eng.55
Peter Langone Sqd.252
Scott Larsen Lad.15
Lt. Joseph Leavey Lad.15
Neil Leavy .Eng.217
Daniel Libretti ....Res.2
Carlos Lillo Paramedic
Robert Linnane Lad.20
Michael Lynch Eng.40
Michael Lynch Lad.4
Michael Lyons Sqd.41
Patrick Lyons Sqd.252
Joseph Maffeo Lad.101
William Mahoney Res 4
Joseph Maloney Lad.3
BC Joseph Marchbanks Jr Bat.12
Lt. Charles Margiotta Bat.22
Kenneth Marino Res.1
John Marshall Eng.23
Lt. Peter Martin Res.2
Lt. Paul Martini Eng.23
Joseph Mascali T.S.U. 2
Keithroy Maynard Eng.33
Robert McMahon Lad.20
John McAvoy Lad.3
Thomas McCann Bat.8
Lt. William McGinnSqd.18
BC William McGovern Bat.2
Dennis McHugh Lad.13
Robert McMahon Lad.20
RobertMcPadden Eng.23
Terence McShane Lad.101
Timothy McSweeney Lad.3
Martin McWilliamsEng.22
Raymond Meisenheimer Res.3
Charles Mendez Lad.7
Steve Mercado Eng.40
Douglas Miller Res.5
Henry Miller Jr Lad.105
Robert Minara Lad.25
Thomas Mingione Lad.132
Lt. Paul Mitchell Bat.1
Capt. Louis Modafferi Res.5
Lt. Dennis Mojica Res.1
Manuel Mojica Sqd.18
Carl Molinaro Lad.2
Michael Montesi Res.1
Capt Thomas Moody Div.1
BC John Moran Bat.49
Vincent Morello Lad.35
ChristopherMozzillo Eng.55
Richard MuldowneyJrLad.07
Michael Mullan Lad.12
Dennis Mulligan Lad.2
Lt. Raymond Murphy Lad.16
Lt. Robert Nagel Eng.58
John Napolitano Res.2
Peter Nelson ....Res.4
Gerard Nevins Res.1
Dennis O'Berg Lad.105
Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan Lad4
Douglas Oelschlager Lad15
Joseph Ogren .Lad.3
Lt. Thomas O'Hagan Bat.4
Samuel Oitice Lad.4
Patrick O'Keefe Res.1
Capt. William O'Keefe Div.15
Eric Olsen ..Lad.15
Jeffery Olsen .Eng.10
Steven Olson ...Lad.3
Kevin O'Rourke Res.2
Michael Otten Lad.35
Jeffery Palazzo Res.5
BC Orio Palmer Bat.7
Frank Palombo Lad.105
Paul Pansini ....Eng.10
BC John Paolillo Bat.11
James PappageorgeEng23
Robert Parro Eng.8
Durrell Pearsall Res.4
Lt. Glenn Perry Bat.12
Lt. Philip Petti ...Bat.7
Lt. Kevin Pfeifer Eng. 33
Lt. Kenneth Phelan Bat.32
Christopher Pickford Eng.201
Shawn Powell Eng.207
Vincent Princiotta Lad.7
Kevin Prior ..Sqd.252
BC Richard Prunty Bat.2
Lincoln Quappe Res.2