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Lt. Michael Esposito Sqd.1
Robert Evans Eng.33
B.C. John Fanning H. O.
Cpt. Thomas Farino Eng.26
Terrence Farrell Res.4
Cpt. Joseph Farrelly Div.1
William Feehan Dep. Comm.
Lee Fehling Eng.235
Alan Feinberg Bat.9
Michael Fiore Res.5
Lt. John Fischer Lad.20
Andre Fletcher.. Res.5
John Florio Eng.214
Lt. Michael Fodor Lad.21
Thomas Foley Res.3
David Fontana Sqd.1
Robert Foti.... Lad.7
Andrew Fredericks Sqd.18
Lt. Peter Freund Eng.55
Thomas Gambino Jr. Res.3
Peter Ganci, Jr Chief of Dept.
Lt. Charles Garbarini Bat.9
Thomas Gardner H.M.1
Matthew Garvey Sqd.1
Bruce Gary Eng.40
Gary Geidel. Res.1
BC Edward Geraghty Bat.9
Dennis Germain Lad.2
Lt Vincent Giammona Lad.5
James Giberson Lad.35
Ronnie Gies Sqd.288
Paul Gil.....l Eng.54
Lt. John Ginley Eng.40
Jeffrey Giordano Lad.3
John Giordano Hmc.1
Keith Glascoe Lad.21
James Gray Lad.20
BC Joseph Grzelak Bat.48
Jose Guadalupe Eng.54
Lt. Geoffrey Guja Bat.43
Lt. Joseph Gullickson Lad.101
David Halderman Sqd.18
Lt. Vincent Halloran Lad.8
Robert Hamilton Sqd.41
Sean Hanley Lad.20
Thomas Hannafin Lad.5
Dana Hannon. Eng.26
Daniel Harlin ....Lad.2
Lt. Harvey Harrell Res.5
Lt. Stephen Harrell Bat.7
Cpt. Thomas Haskell, Jr. Div.15
Timothy Haskell, Sqd.18
Cpt. Terence Hatton Res.1
Michael Haub ..Lad.4
Lt. Michael Healey Sqd.41
John Hefferman Lad.11
Ronnie Henderson Eng.279
Joseph Henry Lad.21
William Henry Res.1
Thomas Hetzel Lad.13
Cpt. Brian Hickey Res.4
Lt. Timothy Higgins S.O.C.
Jonathan Hohmann Hmc.1
Thomas Holohan Eng.6
Joseph Hunter Sqd.288
Cpt. Walter Hynes Lad.13
Jonathan Ielpi Sqd.288
Cpt. Frederick Ill Jr. Lad.2
William Johnston Eng.6
Andrew Jordan Lad.132
Karl Joseph Eng.207
Lt. Anthony Jovic Bat.47
Angel Juarbe Jr. Lad.12
Mychal Judge Chaplain (Saint)
Vincent Kane Eng.22
BC Charles Kasper S.O.C.
Paul Keating ..Lad.5
Richard Kelly Jr. Lad.11
Thomas R. Kelly Lad.15
Thomas W. Kelly Lad.105
Thomas Kennedy Lad.101
Lt. Ronald Kerwin Sqd.288
Michael Kiefer Lad.132
Robert King Jr. Eng.33
Scott Kopytko Lad.15
WilliamKrukowski Lad.21
Kenneth Kumpel Lad.25
Thomas Kuveikis Sqd.252
David LaForge Lad.20
William Lake .....Res.2